Service Standards

WATMOS will:

  • Provide a range of opportunities for you to let us know your views and give suggestions about the services you receive.
  • Consult with you in line with current legislation and good practice
  • Issue estimated service charge bills around March each year
  • Issue actual service charge bills by the end of September each year
  • Inform you immediately if you fall behind with your service charge payments
  • Offer a range of options to pay your service charge
  • Send you a service charge account statement twice a year
  • Tell you which repairs you are responsible for and what repairs we will carry out
  • Carry out repairs that we are responsible for within the same timescales that apply to tenants
  • Provide a telephone number for out of hours emergency repairs (this applies to communal areas only)
  • Consult with you at least 30 days before any major work is carried out, where any leaseholder is expected to pay more than £250 towards the cost of the work

We will monitor these standards by:

  • Undertaking regular satisfaction surveys
  • Publicise and regularly review these service standards
  • Comparing the quality and cost of our services with other providers
  • Undertake mystery shopping
  • Monitoring contractors to ensure that repairs are undertaken within target times
  • Reporting results of monitoring to senior management on a regular basis