Decent Homes
We commit to ensure that every one of our homes remains in a decent condition no matter how long you live in it.
We will work together with tenants to keep your home in good repair offering choice where practicable, and help residents live with independence that is vital to you and your communities' well being and sustainability..
What is a Decent Home?
We carry out regular maintenance to all our homes but every building requires some form of major work during its life. This can include renewing parts of the building such as the roof or carrying out improvements to bring your home up to modern day standards such as installing double glazing or upgrading the heating system.
WATMOS is committed to maintain all our social housing to meet the Government’s decent homes standard.
Improvement Contracts
We prioritise what works we need to undertake within the available budget annually. These works are then communicated, and procurement undertaken to identify contractors. Not all properties will necessarily receive the same works at the same time as different properties have different occupancies and turnover and so some may wear out faster than others, but we will look to undertake estate-based works where it is economically and practically viable. If your home is identified for inclusion on a contract, we will notify you.